  >  World   >  The Future of Tacos + Takeoffs


It’s hard to believe that it’s been a year since the the COVID-19 pandemic upended, well… everything. For me, the silver lining to this extended pause has been the discovery of new information and an opportunity to make changes to my lifestyle. I recognize that I am privileged to be able to stay home, to have this pause at all. Humanity is dealing with a series of simultaneous crises, including but not limited to the ongoing pandemic, a reckoning with systemic racism and the impacts of colonialism, and climate change. One of the most significant lessons I’ve learned during this time has been just how impactful our individual actions can be on each other, and on the Earth itself. I’ve spent a lot of time in listening and learning mode this last year, and through my Instagram stories, I’ve tried to amplify voices and share stories that I thought others could benefit from.

As for my own content, I’ve been hesitant to post “as usual.” As someone who focused exclusively on travel, it felt irresponsible and irrelevant to keep sharing that type of material. At the beginning of the pandemic, I polled my Instagram audience about what they wanted to see. The consensus seemed to be that while life as we knew it is on hold indefinitely, people were ok with a shift toward more lifestyle content (which makes sense; remember the sourdough craze?). I began sharing some home decor on stories, and wrote a blog post, 10 Practices to be More Sustainable at Home. It also inspired me to revisit my Books for Travelers article, and to update my Local’s Guide to Orlando.


As the weeks turned into months, I began pulling back again, unsure of what to share, and when. I wrote a couple of posts, but nothing really seemed “right.” During the summer and fall of 2020, I observed the way full-time bloggers and influencers talked (or didn’t) about the pandemic, the election, and the Black Lives Matter movement, and I watched the way their audiences reacted. It no longer serves anyone to separate “real life” from our online personas. I have realized what core values are important to me, and how I want to live in alignment with those values. In order to move forward developing my growing voice online, I think it’s important to go back a few years so I can explain what led me to this point, and where I want to take Tacos + Takeoffs moving forward.

Back to the Beginning

In 2008, after graduating from the University of Central Florida, I spent a summer in New York City interning at Marie Claire magazine and Ink Publishing, the largest global publisher of in-flight magazines. When I returned to Florida, I continued to dabble in freelance writing, which I eventually stopped doing when I was accepted to law school. At the time, I thought becoming a lawyer was the way I was going to – as Bill Nye likes to say – “change the world!”

The Overview Effect

Upon graduation from law school, I began working in government relations. Surely, I thought, combining my passion for communication and my legal schooling would enable me to bring about social and policy change. And, it has. I now work in the same industry as Bill Nye! Yes, my “day job” is a cool one; I conduct government affairs in the space industry. There’s a quote by Apollo 14 astronaut Edgar Mitchell that I have seen often about the effect of observing the fragility of Earth from space: “You develop an instant global consciousness, a people orientation, an intense dissatisfaction with the state of the world, and a compulsion to do something about it. From out there on the moon, international politics look so petty. You want to grab a politician by the scruff of the neck and drag him a quarter of a million miles out and say, ‘Look at that, you son of a bitch.'” This perspective, dubbed the “overview effect,” has led many former space explorers to become advocates for change on Earth.

A Journey to Alignment

The same “overview effect” can be true for travel. I’ve come to realize that the easiest way to facilitate change is to help people realize that they are stakeholders in the outcome. Experience, more than anything else, has the power to influence. And, travel is the best form of experiential learning.  I have realized that I want Tacos + Takeoffs to help inspire people to travel, to connect, and to ultimately, change the world. I plan to do that by sharing stories and providing tips that allow people to experience meaningful, life-changing travel right here on our home planet.

Focus: Regenerative Travel

As I pivot my blog/social media toward providing value through more deliberate values-aligned content, I want to highlight change-makers and brands whose ethos is helping to drive positive change. To that end, I recently started volunteering with the talented team at Regenerative Travel. In essence, sustainability can be distilled to a “do no harm” mantra. Regeneration, on the other hand, takes into account the natural landscape and community of a place and seeks to actively improve* the environment through conscious decision-making. I added an asterisk to the word improve because it is important to be mindful about how our own experiences may color our perception of how to “improve” or make something “better.”

Progress Over Perfection

I am still figuring out what this will all look like, and I am sure there will be several other small changes to come. I want to be clear; this is a learning process for me, and I’m taking you along for the ride. As I embark on this journey, I will strive for progress rather than perfection. I plan to add context rather than radically changing content. For example, I don’t plan to swear off air travel (post-pandemic) or become vegan, but I will take steps to educate myself and my readers, and to mitigate my carbon footprint. I’d love to hear from you in the comments or directly about what you hope to learn and topics, people, and brands I should investigate. Thanks for following along!


  • March 5, 2021

    I love this post! I also feel like I had a mindset pivot during the pandemic and felt like I didn’t want to share my life on social media as much because I felt like I really value human connection (in-covid approved ways, lol). It’s hard to explain but I just felt like I didn’t want to share because I wanted to enjoy ‘living it’ if that makes sense. We can chat more about it if you want ; )

    Something I enjoy about travel is unearthing that next level of curiosity, culture, sights, smells, conversations – the real experience you have on the streets of a new city. While I love a good resort vacation, I am just as happy finding the best ice cream shop in a new city and people watching. Maybe that could be something you incorporate into your travel posts? The life of the city or the intentions/hopes/dreams of restaurant owners or artists. Those are the experiences that make me want to travel again! Just throwing that out there but I know you will find your pivot and it will be just what you needed and what your audience will love.

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